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Introducing the Silica Mineral Panel: The Ultimate Green, Fireproof, Waterproof, and Eco-friendly Solution for Floors and Walls

Views: 1000     Author: Gavin Tse     Publish Time: 2023-05-05      Origin: Site

Introducing the Silica Mineral Panel: The Ultimate Green, Fireproof, Waterproof, and Eco-friendly Solution for Floors and Walls

The Future of Construction: Silica Mineral Panel


What is the Silica Mineral Panel?


The silica mineral panel is a groundbreaking construction material made from a unique blend of natural ingredients, including quartz, lime, portland cement, paper pulp, and water. This innovative product is designed to be used for both floors and walls in residential and commercial projects. With a focus on sustainability, safety, and durability, the silica mineral panel boasts an A2 fire rating, waterproof properties, and is produced without the use of PVC or plastic.

natural ingredients of silica mineral panels

Meeting the Demand for Green Construction


As society and governments become increasingly focused on environmentally-friendly practices and products, the construction industry must adapt to meet these demands. The silica mineral panel is a prime example of how innovative materials can pave the way for a greener future in construction, offering a sustainable, eco-friendly solution for floors and walls.

certificates of silica mineral panel

Key Benefits of the Silica Mineral Panel


Environmentally Friendly


The production process of the silica mineral panel relies solely on mineral hydration and natural ingredients, eliminating the need for PVC or plastic additives. This eco-conscious approach significantly reduces the product's environmental impact, making it an ideal choice for green building projects and aligning with governmental and societal priorities.


Waterproof and Mildew Resistant


One of the standout features of the silica mineral panel is its waterproof nature, making it perfect for areas exposed to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Additionally, the panel is mildew resistant, ensuring a healthy and clean environment.


Construction Stable and Durable


The silica mineral panel offers excellent construction stability, providing a strong and reliable foundation for floors and walls. Its durability ensures long-lasting performance, even in high-traffic areas, making it an attractive option for various applications.




With an impressive A2 fire rating, the silica mineral panel is highly resistant to fire, ensuring the safety of buildings and their occupants. This superior fire resistance makes it an attractive option for various applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial projects.


Low Emission


The silica mineral panel's production process results in low emissions, contributing to improved indoor air quality and a healthier environment. This makes it an appealing choice for eco-conscious architects and contractors and aligns with the growing demand for green products.




The silica mineral panel can be easily produced to suit different applications, making it a versatile solution for both flooring and wall installations. Its durable, waterproof, and fire-resistant nature make it a popular choice for architects and contractors looking to create modern, sustainable spaces.

reaction to fire A2_silica mineral panel

Bringing the Silica Mineral Panel to Market


As the demand for sustainable, waterproof, and fire-resistant construction materials continues to grow, the silica mineral panel presents a revolutionary solution that addresses these needs. By collaborating with construction companies, architects, contractors, and retailers, we aim to make this innovative, green product readily available for various projects.

Embrace the Green Future of Construction with the Silica Mineral Panel


The silica mineral panel is poised to transform the construction industry by offering a natural, waterproof, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional building materials. With its versatile applications, easy installation, and commitment to sustainability, the silica mineral panel is the ideal choice for forward-thinking architects and contractors looking to create safe, sustainable, and beautiful spaces that align with the global shift towards greener construction practices.


Keywords: silica mineral panel

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